Lecture: Digitization – if not now, when?!
Hardly is any topic being so hotly discussed as digitization. Given current numbers it is little surprising too, because over 50 trillion things are waiting only to be networked and integrated into the Internet of Things (IoT). About 100 trillion US dollars would be invested worldwide in 2016 alone, in cloud infrastructure and services. In Germany, economic output could rise by an additional 82 billion Euro by 2020. Digitisation is therefore anything but a short-term trend, much more remains of it‘s rapid entry with no industry sector spared. Business Transformation means many new opportunities for companies – that needs to be grabbed fast!
As part of the 2nd session of the Big Data and Analytics working group, Guide Share Europe, Thomas Widmann shows in his presentation, how companies can successfully equip themselves for the digital age to draw big benefits from IoT and Big Data. The event will be held on 28th September 2016 in Karlsruhe in the premises of Fiducia and GAD IT AG. Please click here for more details.
Interested in learning more about how to bring about successful and effective digitization? Get in touch with us. We look forward to hear from you.